Blockaded Gaza Hospital After Fuel Runs Out

'179 Buried In Mass Grave': Blockaded Gaza Hospital After Fuel Runs Out

New Delhi:

Gaza’s biggest hospital has buried 179 people, including babies, in a “mass grave” inside its compound, Al Shifa Hospital chief Mohammad Abu Salmiyah said Tuesday, underlining the catastrophic humanitarian crisis developing at medical facilities across the region.

“We were forced to bury them in a mass grave,” the hospital director said. Seven babies and 29 patients from the intensive care unit were buried after the hospital’s fuel supplies ran out.

Earlier today, a heart-breaking image emerged from the same hospital – of seven babies bundled together, some in non-descript, hospital-green fabric and others with tubes sticking out of them.

The seven babies are among 39 born prematurely – they weigh less than 1.5 kg each. Each should be in incubators so body temperatures can be regulated. Instead, they were moved to ordinary beds – placed side-by-side and covered by packets of nappies and cardboard boxes of sterile gauze – over the weekend because there is no more fuel to run the generators that power the incubators.

READ | Gaza Babies Laid In Rows For Warmth; “I Had 39, Now 36 Left”, Says Doctor

The city’s largest hospital has been crippled by fuel shortages and is stuck inside a “circle of death” as Hamas forces and Israeli military wage a bloody war on its doorsteps; access has been blocked by tanks, and medical staff are bracing for mass casualties within its walls.

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