‘Call him’…Israel official shows number for ‘Gaza’s Bin Laden’ & urges diplomats to ask HIM for ceasefire after UN vote

ISRAEL has slammed the UN’s call for a ceasefire in Gaza and offered Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s phone number, telling diplomats to call him instead.

The terror chief was dubbed “Gaza’s Bin Laden” for his role in orchestrating the October 7 massacre that killed 1,200 Israelis.

An Israeli official holds up Yahya Sinwar's phone number telling UN diplomats to call him for a ceasefire


An Israeli official holds up Yahya Sinwar’s phone number telling UN diplomats to call him for a ceasefireCredit: Reuters
Yahya Sinwar holds the child of a Hamas terrorist killed in 2021


Yahya Sinwar holds the child of a Hamas terrorist killed in 2021Credit: AFP
After more than two months of brutal conflict between Hamas and Israel which has torn apart Gaza - the UN has called for an immediate end to fighting


After more than two months of brutal conflict between Hamas and Israel which has torn apart Gaza – the UN has called for an immediate end to fightingCredit: Getty

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan raged against the UN’s vote – warning that the fighting will only end when Sinwar’s Hamas “puts down their weapons”.

Erdan held up the terror chief’s alleged number and fumed: “If you want a real ceasefire, here is the right address.

“Here is the phone number of Hamas’s office in Gaza, you can all call.”

The Sun called Sinwar’s apparent phone number and although it rang, there was no answer.

“Tell Hamas to put down their arms, turn themselves in and return our hostages,” he continued.

“This will bring a complete ceasefire that will last forever.”

Hamas official Izzat El-Reshiq urged the UN to pile pressure on Israel for a ceasefire, as the death toll continues to grow.

The international community has seen Hamas and Israel’s war pummel the enclave for over two months and thousands have died.

And the UN vote, while not law, sets out a landmark statement calling for an end to the bloodshed.

All 193 UN member countries are included in the General Assembly, 153 of them voted for the ceasefire.

Ten nations, including the US and Israel, voted against, and 23 abstained.

Tentative reports have suggested the two sides are discussing a potential pause in fighting for the release of more hostages this week.

It comes after Hamas threatened to carry out a “worse and greater” terror attack on Israel even after the horrors of October 7.

Israel’s defence minister claimed they have encircled Hamas’ last strongholds in northern Gaza as they hunt down the group.

Sinwar’s terror army is reportedly outnumbered by the IDF and PM Netanyahu also said they have been surrendering.

Palestinian civilians, who have been left fleeing for their lives, are blaming the terror chief.

And wanted posters have gone up in Gaza offering £25,000 to those who turn in the Hamas ringleader.

One Gazan civilian, who did not want to be named, told Sky News: “We are tired, it’s enough, I don’t have any breath left in me.

“What resolution? Just give up and surrender.

“This is the act of idiots! He caused the death of his own people – Sinwar has killed his own people!”

Even a former Hamas official has dubbed him a “madman” who “destroyed the Gaza Strip”.

More than 18,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed so far – Gaza’s Hamas-controlled Health Ministry claims.

Israel disputes these figures – and US President Joe Biden previously said he had “no confidence” in them.

But Benjamin Netanyahu admitted Israel has “not been successful” in reducing civilian casualties.

He said the deaths must be blamed on Hamas – not Israel.

And as the horror continues there have been growing calls for a humanitarian ceasefire to stop the bloodshed, apparently culminating in the UN’s landmark ruling on Tuesday.

The UN General Assembly gathered on Tuesday to vote on a ceasefire in Gaza


The UN General Assembly gathered on Tuesday to vote on a ceasefire in GazaCredit: Reuters
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Erdan, speaks about the hostages following the October attacks


Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Erdan, speaks about the hostages following the October attacksCredit: AP
Israeli forces hunting down Hamas strongholds in the Strip


Israeli forces hunting down Hamas strongholds in the Strip
Palestinian civilians are blaming Sinwar for the suffering in Gaza


Palestinian civilians are blaming Sinwar for the suffering in GazaCredit: Rex

#Call #himIsrael #official #shows #number #Gazas #Bin #Laden #urges #diplomats #ceasefire #vote