Original Asterix cover on the block despite legal challenge by artist’s daughter

BRUSSELS: An original cover painting from the 1963 comic bookAsterix and Cleopatra” was to go under the hammer on Sunday despite a legal challenge from the artist’s daughter.
The famous gouache, showing the ancient Egyptian ruler reclining and the two Gaulish heroes Asterix and Obelix, was to be sold by the Brussels auction house Millon. It is expected to fetch 400,000 to 500,000 euros but the sale was almost blocked by the daughter of the late French illustrator Albert Uderzo.Sylvie Uderzo argued that if her father had given the painting away he would have signed and dedicated it, and thus the painting must have been stolen.
Millon says it is selling the work on behalf of the son of a man who was given it over 50 years ago by Uderzo, the co-creator of the Asterix series, who died in 2020. His daughter lodged a complaint with Belgian prosecutors on Nov 27 but they found no grounds to suspect a crime had been committed. Sylvie Uderzo’s lawyer has warned that any buyer of the cover painting could be prosecuted for receiving stolen goods, a claim the auctioneers rejected.
Arnaud de Partz, director general of Millon Belgium, argued that many other non-dedicated pieces by Uderzo had already been put up for public auction. The house has also produced a photo in which a man presented as the owner of the drawing shares a meal with Uderzo at a hotel in Normandy in the 1960s.
The story Asterix and Cleopatre appeared as a serial in the magazine Pilote in 1963 and was bound as the sixth book-length adventure in the series in 1965. The cover art parodies the poster for the 1963 Hollywood epic “Cleopatra”, then the most expensive ever made, with Uderzo’s Cleopatra in the same pose as its star Elizabeth Taylor. AFP

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