Peter V’landys, rugby league news, RLPA, ARL, Collective Bargaining Agreement, reaction

The Rugby League Players Association and the ARL commission will hold peace talks on Wednesday in a positive step towards resolution between the two parties.

The meeting comes on the back of comments from ARL chairman Peter V’landys on Monday, who said he’d “give it away” if the matters surrounding the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) weren’t resolved in a day.

“They’re not big issues… If both parties came here in good faith you could settle those issues pretty quickly, probably a couple of hours, to be quite frank with you. They’re not massive,” V’landys said in an interview on 100% Footy.

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“The big issues have been settled: the funds, the management of the funds, the total money to the players, the salary cap, the minimum payment, the holidays. All settled. These are minor issues.”

The Daily Telegraph has reported that RLPA chair Deidre Anderson reached out to V’landys to organise the Wednesday morning meeting.

It’s been over nine months since the last CBA agreement expired (October 2022). In recent weeks however, the feud has escalated to the point of protests from players in the form of an ongoing media blackout as well as covering up the NRL logo on their jerseys in Round 22.

Those protests haven’t seemed to have the effect the RLPA intended, hence, they’ve reached out to resume discussions.

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