Thousands of ethnic Armenians flee disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory after Azerbaijan regains control | World News

At least 4,850 ethnic Armenians have fled the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian government has said.

The mass exodus to Armenia comes after Azerbaijan regained control of the region.

The leadership of the 120,000 Armenians who call the region home told Reuters they do not want to live there anymore because they fear persecution and ethnic cleansing.

Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh region arrive at a temporary accommodation centre in the town of Goris, Armenia
Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh region arrive at a temporary accommodation centre in the town of Goris, Armenia

A refugee boy from Nagorno-Karabakh at a temporary accommodation centre in the town of Goris, Armenia
Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh region arrive at a temporary accommodation centre in the town of Goris, Armenia
Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh region arrive at a temporary accommodation centre in the town of Goris, Armenia

“No one is going back – that’s it,” Anna Agopyan, who reached Goris, a border town in Armenia, told the news agency. “The topic of Karabakh is over now for good I think.”

“I left everything there,” said Srbuhi, a tearful mother-of-three, as she held her young daughter.

As families loaded their belongings into buses and trucks, ethnic Armenian officials in the region said preparations – including free fuel – were being made for those wanting to leave the territory.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed area surrounded by territory largely held by Azerbaijan, and has been a flashpoint since the end of the Soviet Union.

Armenians are hard-wired to fear genocide – and many fear the worst

Seeing the images of Karabakh Armenians fleeing, suitcases in hand, makes for sombre viewing. This region has seen mass exodus before, but there is a degree of finality to this latest episode.

The local Armenian authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh have said the entire Armenian population, 120,000 of them, will leave rather than live as part of Azerbaijan.

Thousands have already crossed into Armenia, thousands more will follow, and it remains to be seen how many are brave or stubborn enough to stay in their historic homeland under Azeri rule, given the decades-long hostility between Armenia and Azerbaijan which has had ownership of this mountainous plot of land at its heart.

If this does represent the end of Armenian life in Karabakh, that is a heavy legacy for Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and one that – as the protests in Yerevan show – he may find hard to weather.

He made it clear he would not commit troops to fight off Azerbaijan’s 24-hour blitzkrieg last week. He has acknowledged Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over the region, perhaps cognisant of the fact he cannot win another war against a militarily far stronger Azeri army backed by Turkey. He may blame Russian peacekeepers for failing to keep the peace, which is demonstrably true, but he also chose not to get involved.

Armenians are hard-wired to fear genocide and conditions in Nagorno-Karabakh have been increasingly untenable for them given the blockade.

They are leaving now because they fear the worst.

Whatever promises the Azeri president may make that they will be looked after, history shows that there is little reason to trust him.

The US and EU have expressed “deep concerns” for the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is recognised internationally as part of Azerbaijan but had been under Armenian control.

More than 6,000 people died in a war three years ago which saw Azerbaijan regain parts of the region and surrounding territories that had been under Armenian control since 1994.

Azerbaijan claimed full control of the mountainous region after launching a military operation last week following months of tension.

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Azerbaijan launches assault on disputed region

It said it launched its offensive hours after four soldiers and two civilians were allegedly killed in landmine explosions in the territory.

Armenia denied its troops or weapons were in the region and said claims of landmines and sabotage were untrue.

Dozens died in the days of fighting that followed before a ceasefire was agreed.

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