War in Ukraine: Putin’s Forces Capture Avdiivka After Months of Stalemate | World News

As Russia’s war in Ukraine enters a third year, President Vladimir Putin’s forces have shifted to the offensive and captured the eastern city of Avdiivka after months of fighting. In a conflict where momentum has ebbed and flowed, the mood is now noticeably darker in Kyiv.
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy changed his military leadership amid disputes over conscription of new soldiers and battlefield strategy.His troops are running low on ammunition and weapons, with political infighting in Western capitals holding up deliveries and aid.
Millions of Ukrainians are still displaced from their homes. The death toll has been the highest in any European conflict since World War II, but Russia and Ukraine are treating their losses as state secrets.
Here’s a timeline of key events:
Avdiivka falls: February 17, 2024
Ukraine’s military withdrew from Avdiivka, giving the advancing Russian forces a major battlefield victory. Troops will move to the defensive “on more favorable lines,” army chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said.
Navalny dies in prison: Feb 16, 2024
Russian activist Alexey Navalny, who had come out strongly against the war, fell ill and died at a maximum-security camp, Russia’s prison service said, triggering global outrage.
His death sent an unmistakable signal of the dangers of standing up to Putin’s increasingly repressive regime.
Military chief replaced: Feb 8, 2024
Zelenskyy replaced army chief Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, ending weeks of speculation over a deepening rift in Ukraine’s leadership and stoking uncertainty over the direction of the war.
EU approves Ukraine funding: Feb 1, 2024
European Union leaders clinched a deal on a €50 billion ($54 billion) financial aid package for Ukraine after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban caved to their demands and lifted his veto.
The agreement proves “that we stand by Ukraine and I think it will be an encouragement for the US also to do their fair share,” Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission president, said as US funding remained stalled in Congress.
EU opens membership talks with Kyiv: Dec 14, 2023
EU leaders agreed to open membership talks with Ukraine in a historic win for the nation.
“A clear signal of hope for their people and for our continent,” European Council President Charles Michel wrote in a post on X.
Putin makes bid for fifth term: Dec 8, 2023
Putin said he’d run for a fifth term, kicking off a widely expected campaign in which the Kremlin will seek to show he retains broad popular support for the war.
Biden vows funding fix: Oct 2, 2023
President Joe Biden urged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to follow up quickly with funding for Ukraine hours after Congress passed a spending bill without it to avoid a US government shutdown.
The standoff foreshadowed a long battle in Congress over financing for Kyiv, leaving the US with no money to finance more weapons deliveries to Ukraine.
Skepticism grows in Washington: Sept 22, 2023
Zelenskyy said Ukraine would continue its counteroffensive through the autumn and into the winter, during a trip to Washington, vowing to keep the pressure up on Russian forces despite slow progress.
In contrast with his visit during the first months of the war, the Ukrainian leader faced growing skepticism, particularly from Congressional Republicans.
Grain ship leaves Ukrainian port: Sept 19, 2023
The first grain ship in over two months left one of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, as Kyiv defied Russia’s effective maritime blockade following the collapse of a safe-passage deal.
Kyiv cites progress on southern front: Aug 28, 2023
Ukrainian forces pierced the first line of Russian fortifications in the nation’s southeast. The defense ministry said Ukrainian soldiers had made slow progress in clearing heavily mined areas to create approach corridors for a larger force to fight through the first main line of Russian trenches, bunkers and tank traps.
Prigozhin revolts: June 24, 2023
Putin condemned leaders of the Wagner mercenary group as traitors to Russia in a late-night speech to the nation, after Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mercenaries came within 200 kilometers of Moscow. Prigozhin’s men turned back after their leader struck a deal with Putin and the Wagner chief died two months later when a private plane crashed, killing everybody on board.
Ukrainian counteroffensive begins: June 9, 2023
Ukraine’s new NATO-standard tanks and fighting vehicles appeared in battlefield images as Kyiv’s long-awaited counteroffensive got underway.
Kakhovka dam destroyed: June 6, 2023
Ukraine accused Russia of blowing up a giant dam and unleashing an environmental catastrophe, with floodwater sweeping across the south of the country. The Kremlin denied responsibility and said Ukraine was behind the breach at the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant.
Russia picks up missile barrage : May 29, 2023
Russia ramped up air strikes on military facilities and infrastructure across the country, as Ukraine prepared a counteroffensive to try to take back territory. Russia hit an airbase in western Ukraine, damaging five aircraft and the runway, and targeted the nation’s capital with ballistic missiles.
Bakhmut falls: May 21, 2023
Ukrainian forces lost control of Bakhmut after months of fierce fighting. Russia claimed that the Wagner mercenary group had taken the embattled eastern city.
IMF aid for Ukraine: March 31, 2023
The International Monetary Fund’s board signed off on a $15.6 billion aid package for Ukraine, the final approval for the institution’s first-ever loan to a nation at war.
A group of Ukraine’s creditors supported the unprecedented deal, which required the IMF to change its lending rules, with assurances that they’d extend a debt-repayment standstill for the duration of the program. The creditors — Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US — urged other bilateral and private lenders to help restore debt sustainability for Ukraine.
Arrest warrant for Putin: March 17, 2023
The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin for war crimes related to the alleged abduction of children from Ukraine, a largely symbolic move that the Kremlin shrugged off. A year earlier, atrocities committed by Russian troops were discovered after they retreated from areas near Kyiv and in the north.
Zelenskyy Goes to Washington: Dec 22, 2022
On his first trip outside Ukraine since the war began, Ukraine’s president delivered an address to the US Congress, pressing Washington for planes and more money, portraying the war as a battle of democracy against tyranny.
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Addresses Joint Meeting Of Congress
US sends missiles: Dec 14, 2022
The US opted in favor of sending Patriot air and missile defense batteries to Ukraine, fulfilling a key demand from Kyiv. Zelenskyy had urgently sought the system, saying it was needed to counter the relentless barrage of Russian missiles targeting Ukraine’s military as well as civilian and energy infrastructure.
Nov 16, 2022
NATO and Poland said there was no evidence that a missile which struck Polish territory was an intentional Russian attack as governments in the military alliance moved to defuse the incident. Biden informed G-20 counterparts that the strike was a result of Ukrainian air defense. The dial-back meant NATO wouldn’t invoke Article 4 of its charter, which would trigger consultations on a military response.
Ukraine Retakes Kherson: Nov 11, 2022
Ukrainian troops entered the southern city of Kherson after Russian forces abandoned the regional capital which they had taken during the first months of the war and fled across a major waterway — marking a significant setback for Moscow as the two sides dug in for winter.
Sept 30, 202
Putin vowed his annexation of four occupied regions in Ukraine was irreversible, as he formalized Europe’s biggest land grab since World War II, and accused the West of trying to subjugate his country.
Grain corridor established: July 22, 2022
Russia and Ukraine agreed to a deal aimed at releasing millions of tons of grain through Ukraine’s Black Sea ports that aimed to help shore up global food supplies.
Mariupol falls: May 18, 2022
Russian authorities said nearly 1,000 Ukrainian fighters defending Mariupol’s Azovstal steel plant “surrendered” after a months-long battle. Moscow captured the important port, where Russian forces established a land bridge between Crimea and separatist republics in the Donbas.
The resistance of the Azovstal fighters against overwhelming odds brought them heroic status among Ukrainians.
Russia attacks: Feb 24, 2022
Russian forces attacked targets across Ukraine after Putin vowed to “demilitarize” the country and replace its leaders. The government in Kyiv called Russia’s actions a “full-scale invasion” as it declared martial law, called for international support including harsher sanctions and for citizens to take up arms.

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