Wingsuit daredevil decapitated after colliding with plane wing during skydive as pilot faces manslaughter charges

A WINGSUIT daredevil was decapitated in a horror accident after he collided with the plane’s wing during a skydive.

Parachutist Nicolas Galy, 40, was killed instantly when he was accidentally hit by the wing after leaping out of the plane at 14,000ft in France.

The parachutist collided with the plane's wing (file image)


The parachutist collided with the plane’s wing (file image)Credit: Gallo Images – Getty

The plane’s pilot Alain C. is now facing manslaughter charges over the July 2018 incident that he’s described as the “tragedy of my life.”

Alain, who worked for a parachuting school, was flying the single-engine Pilatus plane over Bouloc-en-Quercy near Toulouse.

Nicolas, an experienced skydiver, collided with the plane’s wing just 20 seconds after jumping out of the aircraft wearing a wingsuit, a jumpsuit with webbed sleeves.

The tragic collision cut off his head while his emergency parachute opened and his body descended to the ground.

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Alain who is facing a court in Montauban, insisted he had done nothing wrong and explained that Nicolas was gliding in a different direction than the one planned, the Times reported.

The pilot explained he could not see the wingsuiters and assumed he was clear but admitted they “don’t descend much and can be in conflict with the aircraft”.

Speaking about Nicolas, who had made 226 jumps, Alain C. insisted he “did not follow the expected course and should never have been on that course.”

He said: “He was parallel to the plane and I thought he was further north.

“It wasn’t my responsibility. I think my flight path made sense. This has been the tragedy of my life but I am not at fault.”

Prosecutor Jeanne Regagnon asked the court to hand to the pilot a 12-month suspended prison term and a £8,700 fine arguing that Nicolas was “the only one who obeyed the rules without negligence.”

It also emerged in court that Alain’s licence was invalid at the time of the flight after he breached restrictions imposed on him by France‘s aviation authority due to a medical condition.

The court’s verdict is set to be announced in November.

It comes as earlier this summer, a British base jumper died after plunging from a mountain in Italy.

Mark Andrews, 65, was killed after he fell more than 400 metres down a rockface in Trentino.

A fellow base jumper watched on in horror as “fearless” Mark fell to his death and quickly called emergency services, who scrambled to the scene.

One of the daredevil’s pals told MailOnline at the time: “He came to base jumping quite late. He’s only been doing it since 2014 but he packed a lot into those nine years.

“He was fearless and will be missed. He was a regular in Italy at various base-jumping events, but had also base-jumped all over the world off bridges and skyscrapers.”

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